Nowadays | Video Production Company

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Spring Nearly Summer Awards Update!

Spring is fully sprung and Summer is just around the corner and we’ve just got some great awards-based put-a-spring-in-your-step news to share.

First off, we’ve been shortlisted at the EVCOM Clarion Awards. The Clarions are right up our street and celebrate cause-driven films and a bunch of stuff that really matters, so we were particularly chuffed to be shortlisted for four of our films: Frontline (NSPCC), AMR is Now (FAIRR), DofE and Made Me (both for Scouts). Feel free to give those a watch whilst we wait on the final results!

But the real spring awakening was hearing this week that we’d been awarded not one, but five silvers at the Telly Awards

The first film to collect its silverware was No Fixed Address recognised  in Branded Content: Social Responsibility. In this mini doc we share the story of a man named Corky and his journey into and out of homelessness. We partnered with Guardian Labs and HSBC UK on this one who are working with local housing and homelessness charities to provide a bank account to people with no fixed address.

Our next winner was  AMR Is Now awarded in Branded Content: financial services and the Public Interest and Awareness category. This film was created for AMR (antimicrobial resistance) week to raise awareness of the emerging crisis surrounding the use of antibiotics in factory farming. With just a week from ideation to delivery we have to thank the quality chop house, editor Ned Champain for turning around the edit.

Last summer, in the midst of the pandemic we worked on an important piece with our long-time friends at the NSPCC. Our film Frontline was made in response to an unprecedented upswing in the need to support children who have been affected in isolation. Our aim with this film was to portray a dynamic NSPCC whose frontline services are still here for children as the Covid crisis entered a critical new phase. This film was awarded in two categories: Promotional video: Social Impact and Not-For-Proft. 

As always, we are very thankful to all the sensitive cast, crew and clients involved in every stage of our filmmaking process, and we can't wait to see what we work on together next.