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Creativepool Top 10

2020 has definitely been one for Black-Mirror-esque Debbie Downer distractions, so when the news pinged into our inboxes that Creativepool had served up their Top 10 Production Agencies and that we were one of them, we were extra-specially chuffed! 

Every year Creativepool awards and celebrates the latest and greatest in the creative industry in their coveted Annual. Over the years we’ve been lucky enough to snatch some of the awards and have been consistently featured in the CP annual (this is our 4th year in a row - not that we’re counting!), but this is the first time we have made it to the Top 10 of anything! 

To add a little icing sugar to the top of the Top Ten cake, our film ‘Actually I Can’ for Leonard Cheshire picked up a fabulous bronze award for Best Production.  If you missed Actually I Can, you can watch it here, it’s a beauty and we’re dead proud of it.

Of course, you don’t get to win film awards or get rated a top production company without a bunch of help from brilliant crew, talent and clients - so thanks as always to them. And an extra thanks to the lovely people at @creativepool for continuing to recognise our work and commitment to connect talent and champion creativity.

Shout out to all the other nominations and winners of the Creativepool Annual Awards 2020! 

To check out the full 2020 Annual shortlist and read more about the work, go here.