Work in Progress / Men's Sheds - Part 03


So what's happening in the world of old men, I hear you bellow from the rooftops?!



Oh well okay then, if you insist.

A quick recap - we put together a solid first edit but the whole team here felt we could delve a little deeper. So Jon and I spent a bit of time working on a new edit, looking into the men's past in order to understand how the Shed became so important to them.

And that was that, except…

Once the narrative was locked, we hit the inevitable wall of running out of footage. So with next to zero persuasion necessary, DOP Charles Mori and I set out to fill all those black holes in Jon’s Premiere timeline with gorgeous new, shiny images.

Things were going smoothly. A little too smoothly…

After a quick visit to the Shed to check on the guys and make sure they were happy with how we've treated their stories, I learnt that one of the members no longer attended the Shed.

Not ideal. Documentary making dilemma alert.

I’ll not go into all the details (I’ve got a bad enough rep as office gossip at 3AM), all that matters is that after a few calls to check in with everyone, I got the all-clear to proceed - both parties were still keen to carry on regardless.

Phew. Relief all round.

Once that was dealt with Charles and I took the Shedders out and about in East London to get some fresh pick-ups - and boy did they give some terrific performances. In another life these boys really could have made fantastic actors.

Ingesting the footage back at 3angrymen HQ, I couldn’t have been happier with the shots we got. I’ve worked with Charles a good few times over the past couple of years and he really never fails to make a little go a very long way - such a great attribute in a Director of Photography. The photos in this post are all from the additional day of filming. Looking great, right?


The good news just kept coming - we were blessed to have the very talented Daniel Sonabend compose a score for the film, which is (I promise) sounding really beautiful already. Somehow he’s managed to create something that feels just perfect for the Shed. Suddenly, having discarded the (pretty awful) guide track we’d been using, the edit has sprung a whole new lease of life.

And that's where we’re at — the new footage slots in perfectly, the picture is locked, music is almost finished and we're working on the grade and sound design...

So next time you hear from me, I'll hopefully be inviting you to a screening. And from what I hear, there are a few more 3angrymen side-projects snapping at our heels so we’d best get cracking. More on those another day.


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