We're doing a thing and it's called Ask Away Thursday

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Starting mid-way through August, 3angrymen are going to start a new initiative called Ask Away Thursday and it’s for anyone at the outset of their production career who wants to ask us anything about whatever.

What’s prompted this then?

Well there’s a few reasons but the main things are a) we’ve been there b) we could have done with some help and c) we’re getting more and more people asking us how they can make progress in the industry.

11 years ago, when 3angrymen started becoming a thing, we rattled around London, shooting the odd promo here and there with little to zero idea of how to set up a production company and no idea who we could ask without being a right bother. The people we did get to ask questions are still heroes to us.

Today, with the industry being more popular/crowded than ever, we know the competition for jobs is fierce and the routes to success are less and less straightforward. We’d like to do what we can to help start the 3angrymens of the future.

What are we offering?

We’re offering, once a month, to open our doors for a couple of hours to whoever, to share our experience and opinions. If you’re trying to start out in the industry and you have a question, we’ll try and answer it as honestly and helpfully as we can. If you want us to look at your CV, we will. If you’ve got a showreel to watch, we’ll take a look and let you know what we think. If you’ve got ambitions to start your own company, we’ll tell you not to bother (jokes).

At each Ask Away Thursday we’re going to try and have at least three of us around to talk to. Could be one of our producers, could be an editor or director, could be one of the founders of the company. And with any luck, there’ll be more than one of you, so you can have a natter amongst yourselves and compare battle scars.

There might even be a cold beer or two if you’re lucky.

What we aren’t offering is jobs. And we’re not going to commission you to make your next passion-project. We’re not even offering work experience. We’ve got an intern scheme that we’d love people to sign up for but that’s a separate thing you can apply for if you’re up for it.

Why should you listen to 3angrymen?

Good question.

One thing's for sure, whatever we say shouldn’t be taken as gospel. We’ve muddled our own way to where we are but we’re not sat here thinking our way of doing things is for everyone. We can’t tell you the one way forward because chances are there are a few thousand and, clichéd as it sounds, that’s your call to make.

In fact, every person in our company has got to where they are via completely different routes - some traditional, some not, some meticulously planned, some entirely haphazard.

We’re not even saying we’re the perfect model of a production company (what is that in this day and age anyway?) but we do get paid to make films for real clients and we do employ people to do it and we’ve got better at doing that every single day since we set out.

When’s it happening and can you come?

Well, it’s probably going to be on a Thursday, we know that much.

It will be at our place and probably go on for a couple of hours between 6pm and 8pm. Other than that, keep an eye on our Twitter feed and we’ll post when we’ve picked out a date and you can just DM us to let us know you’re coming by.


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