Behind the Scenes: Creating the music for 'Every Childhood'


Back in 2012, when the NSPCC first came to us and asked us to produce a film that would tell their complete story, we had no idea of the sort of scale that the project would go on to become. Fast-forward to mid-2014, we had filmed contributions from over 30 NSPCC staff at 20 different locations throughout the UK and we were in the midst of an epic edit.

Even then, we were missing one vital component of the film, the score.

From the outset the concept we developed had been intentionally adult-focussed - we wanted to confound the audience's expectation for an NSPCC film and showcase, for the first time, the everyday heroes who work tirelessly for the charity. Naturally the essence of childhood still needed to be present in the film though and so the idea of using a children's choir as background accompaniment was agreed.

To begin the process we engaged the composer Nathan Stornetta, who created the score from scratch, taking inspiration from a very early edit of the film. Next on our wish list was the perfect choir and we got exactly that in the National Children's Choir of Great Britain, who were very keen to get involved with the project.

In the film above you can see some behind-the-scenes as Nathan and the NCCGB met to record at the renowned Air Edel recording studio in Baker Street.


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